Tony Lopes
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Tony Lopes

Caption Contest 2022

It’s Caption Contest time again Folks!

After twelve entertaining contests, where over twenty-five thousand captions have been entered, we have decided to continue with this annual captioning caper.

So, if you’re feeling funny, you are invited to cobble together your own captions for the above cartoon.

Email entries to: or via the form below.

Enter as many times as you like!

Entries open September 9th, 2022

This year the winning entry will receive the signed Original artwork, a limited edition signed art print, a personally inscribed “Striving for Quantity” book, a $100 iTunes Voucher, 10 x greeting cards, 5 x Streak stickers and a pack of my favourite biscuits I like to have with my coffee.

In addition, the winning entry will appear as a daily “Insanity Streak” in newspapers worldwide, with the winner’s name included inside the cartoon.

Just imagine how this could change your life!

This year honourable mentions will receive a limited edition signed Streak print, Greeting Card and sticker.

Deadline is September 20th, 2022

Once your caption is submitted it will be put through its paces by the crack staff here at Streak HQ to see just where it rates on our patented guffaw-o-meter…..
Should you register as much as a tee-he, snigger or chortle, we will be in contact…winners will be notified by September 25th

Good luck everyone and happy captioning!

Entry Form

Caption Contest 2022

Click here to view previous competitions.